Does the Law of Attraction Work?

''Be careful what you wish for'', the famous saying we all blurt out in our day to day conversations. This saying is so powerful as I associate it with the ''law of attraction'', attracting like for like. 

What we put out there is what we receive, do you believe in that law, that we are part of the universal matrix of energy and frequencies? The energy that we expend out there we get the same back.

We are governed by laws of the universe we live in, what others may term as ''karma''. People often say they find the things they don't like manifest in their reality quicker than what they truly love. 

That I find is how our mindset is designed, we are creatures of fear, and let's remember, fear is an emotion as much as happiness and sadness are. We fear a lot about lack of money, no one loving us, or having a bad day.

What if we program our minds to think positively? Do you think then we will attract what we love? We have to be really careful about what we say because when we instill emotion in the things we say those that we say we then attract. 

The flip side to this is how difficult it is to be positive when you are not in the head space or when your surroundings are not supporting the emotion.

A few months ago I purchased the renowned ''The Genie Script'' program to try and understand how the law of attraction works and to also aid me in shifting my mindset.

I began to understand that we can create our own reality and our own heaven. I am from a Christian background and growing up I was taught that when we die we either go to heaven (if we're good) or we go to hell! 

I lived my life according to that rule, until I went through some life experiences that led me to searching for ''my truth''. I came to realize that I am my own creator of the reality I want to live in, I can create and enjoy heaven, while I'm still on this earth

To live life to the fullest and live a life of peace, abundance and positivity all governed by the greatest law of all, ''Love''. By living your life to the fullest with love and positivity, everything around you will support a beautiful reality.

I have not reached that ultimate state of living, I am a work in progress and living day to day reminding myself that I am a co creator of my reality. What are the steps we need to take in order to lead a fulfilling reality?

Firstly It starts with us, our inner being, the soul within us. Being of a mind that is free from judging, free from negative influences, that's not to say we are free from life struggles. It is important to recognize how we deal with the hiccups that are thrown our way.

I remember how I used to struggle with slow drivers in front of me, that used to annoy me so much I'd be cursing in my car, winding myself up and getting agitated, guess what? The more I got annoyed the more I had slow driver occurrences.

After reading and getting to understanding the law of attraction I realized I was actually attracting more of this so I decided to switch my mindset and accepting of the slow drivers, sometimes acting as if I wasn't noticing them,

I slowly started noticing It wasn't happening as much as it used to before. I became more patient and accepting that the driver in front of me, had as much right to be in that place at that given time.

Believing in your self worth, valuing your being and loving yourself are key to finding your higher self and attracting the things you desire. This is no magic, it is something each and every one of us is entitled to. Spread your wings and discover your potential and most of all, love yourself more than you've ever loved!

So what do you think about The Law of Attraction? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. 

''Be careful what you wish for'', the famous saying we all blurt out in our day to day conversations. This saying is so powerful as I associate it with the ''law of attraction'', attracting like for like. What we put out there is what we receive, do you believe in that law, that we are part of the universal matrix of energy and frequencies? The energy that we expend out there we get the same back.

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Does the Law of Attraction Work? Does the Law of Attraction Work? Reviewed by RLife Solutions on April 29, 2021 Rating: 5

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